Reverse Integer – Leetcode #7

Reverse Integer - Leetcode #7

Problem Statement

This problem is from Leetcode – Reverse Integer. The problem statement is given below:

Given a signed 32-bit integer x, return x with its digits reversed. If reversing x causes the value to go outside the signed 32-bit integer range [-231, 231 - 1], then return 0.


Approach – 1

We need to extract individual numbers out of the given input in reverse order and append to a string. Convert this string to an integer and return. We can do this by continuously dividing input by 10 and appending the remainder to the string. See the code sample below:

public int reverse(int x) {
		// if x is zero then return
		if(x == 0 ) {
			return 0;
		// declare rev - this will contain our answer
		int rev = 0;
		// check if given integer is negative or not
		boolean neg = false;
		// if negative - then make it positive
		if(x < 0) {
			x = x * -1;
			neg = true;
		// declare empty string
		String str = "";
		while (x > 0) {
			// append the remainder to the string
     		str = str + Integer.toString(x % 10) ;
     		// divide given integer by 10 and update it
     		x = x / 10;

		// parse string back to int 
		try {
			rev = Integer.parseInt(str.toString());
		catch(Exception e) {
			return 0;

		// if input was negative then return negative reversed integer
		if(neg) {
			rev = rev * -1;
		return rev;

You can checkout the code from Github here: Reverse Integer – First Approach. See the performance of this approach below:

Reverse Integer - Leetcode #7

Approach – 2

We can use another simple approach. We can simply convert the given integer to string and reverse it. See the code sample below:

public int reverse(int x) {

		// if x is zero then return
		if(x == 0) {

			return 0;
		// declare rev - this will contain our answer
		int rev = x;

		// check if given integer is negative or not
		boolean neg = false;

		if(x < 0) {

			x = x * -1;
			neg = true;

		// convert given integer to string
		String str = String.valueOf(x);

		// convert to StringBuilder and reverse
		StringBuilder revStr = new StringBuilder(str).reverse();

		// convert back to integer
		try {
			rev = Integer.parseInt(revStr.toString());
		catch(Exception e) {
			return 0;
		// if input was negative then return negative reversed integer
		if(neg) {
			rev = rev * -1;

		return rev;

You can checkout the code from Github here: Reverse Integer – Second Approach. See the performance of this approach below:

Reverse Integer - Leetcode #7

Approach – 3

Lets try another approach. We can also generate the reversed integer as we are extracting the individual numbers from Approach - 1. See the code sample below:

public int reverse(int x) {

		// if x is zero then return
		if(x == 0 ) {

			return 0;

		// declare rev - this will contain our answer
		long rev = 0;
		// check if given integer is negative or not
		boolean neg = false;

		if(x < 0) {

			x = x * -1;
			neg = true;

		// generate the reversed integer on the go
		while (x > 0) {

			rev = rev * 10 + (x % 10);

			x = x / 10;


		// if rev exceeds max limits, then return 0
		if(rev > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {

			return 0;
		// if input was negative then return negative reversed integer
		if(neg) {

			rev = rev * -1;

		return (int)rev;

You can check out the code from Github here: Reverse Integer – Third Approach. See the performance of this approach below:

Reverse Integer - Leetcode #7

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